Sunday, December 24, 2006


Being overthreatened is a condition that many conspiracists and ex-combat soldiers experience. It is comparable to looking out at a large field of enemies and becoming disheartened by their numbers, even though you are on the side of goodness which is infinitely stronger. These people fear that injustice will conquer them, expressed in any manner, scaling from personal to mighty.

It is likely that Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin were overthreatened due to their experiences with war and poverty. Impoverished people and those with constant intense situations can become overthreatened.

Regional and prolongued social pressure of a certain kind can mark someone when they move to a new situation. They become accustomed, tuned, and wired to meeting that pressure in some way like a diver meets ocean pressure. Suddenly moving to a peaceful area from war can be similar to the sociomental bends. If someone becomes deeply motivated or entrenched in a condition, believing it to be most critical, that center of their emotions can take over certain controls from the neutral gearing more rapidly or at all times. This can be unpleasant and personally troubling.

Even people who never go to war or learn dangerous secrets can be overthreatened to a degree. Someone who experiences a hostile social environment can pre-empt or become ready to engage in that environment in non-threatening situations. This becomes compounded when sexual pressure is the hostile medium. Very attractive women and celebrities sometimes experience social or sexual 'overthreat' and can sometimes respond to neutral situations inappropriately.

Someone who is overthreatened could do well to become involved in scholarly, judicial, and especially in spiritual activities and take solace in them. Prayer and letter writing can be beneficial, as well as comisseration with caring and intelligent people. These people can be wildly motivated to do the right thing and to activate others in their own diligence.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Brain EM affects Chemical Language

The conditions of the brain from an early age affect the meaning of chemical transmitters in the brain during adulthood. This means that experiences from early youth can affect the way your brain deals with certain kinds of physical experiences. You learn your chemicals from youth, and that knowledge follows you through life.

Do not be a slave to your chemicals. Believe.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Dysmkorphology is psychic or subconscious body image or body form distortion. This may not be obvious to the individual, and be very difficult to describe. However, it can be known by its symptoms in many cases. Subconsciously perceived dramatic events can skew the brain's fundamentally-justifying chaos mathematics by latching onto wrong, extreme, or extraneous occurances, and considering them substantial or likely, or place them as a greater source of justice or fear than the normal source of justice: The Lord.

This can make people motivated to march to a different form, or their subconscious spend its time addressing a different and false love. This can be corrected using neuroempathic treatment. Often, these maladies are associated with the dysmorphing of chakras or the introduction and misguided acceptance of foreign energies to the body.

These failures can be encouraged by demons or the continuing fault of the human. If internal energy patterns are manipulated, the external injury and mental injury will be continuous until the underlying problem is solved. Often, Western medicines address the external problem. Sometimes, changes in cellular DNA can cause the body to bend its own energy back into shape, or cause the death of cells or DNA that facilitate the [sometimes chemical] misbending of energy, which are then replaced by 'healthy' stock from the region.

Chemicals, being energetic and magnetic in nature due to the understanding of atomics and molecular structure and functioning as "yottatomic" charge markers, can cause changes in energy, which can cascade through other chemical formations in a [+-] doubt field.

When you expose a large amount of chemicals to a person, you are injecting a large amount of coiled energies. These energies will uncoil in predictable ways in a [+-] field, and may function in other wonderful ways in a [++] field. This is the basic function of how chemicals and energies interact.

Monday, December 11, 2006

This is ADD - Neuroempathy

Attention Deficit Disorder is not classically well understood. Instead of suffering from a shortage of attention, an ADD may experience an overabundance of free attention available and waiting to be spent on everything, depending on mood. They will then place their attention on whimsy, a butterfly, a passing thought which they will play out every possible and probable stem to, and having assigned value through their attention to this action, they will seek to see it to fruition of a sort before moving on to an 'assigned' task.

This makes it appear that they do not have enough attention to pay to schoolwork or a comparably boring lesson or something that does not suit their 'whimsy'.

One conventional treatment uses amphetamines, which even further increase the ADD's attention span by speeding up the chemical interaxn in their minds and other physiology, allowing them to complete these primary thoughts of whimsy and even carry them on as they complete other 'assigned' tasks. They now have as much 'spare' attention as a normal person devotes 'direct' attention to an assigned task.

They may also benefit from increased mental proclivity allowing them to move rapidly along thought channels without losing their train, making small interruptions take less time and allowing the EM field of the thought to be stronger and easier to refind or reconnect to its original circuit. Muscular acuity may also increase, allowing faster or less attention-heavy completion of assignments.

This is ADD. See previous articles about ADD and thought logging or multiple task single channel recording.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


In neuroempathy, common fear is presented as "+-" [+-]. This is in most cases an error, and the *real* feeling is "+--" [++]. The common fear is something negative [the fear stimulus] associated with something good [you, assumed], and then closing the statement. Thinking this is magnetically and electrically similar to hoping that it happens.

"Real" fear is +--, where something bad happens to something good, but something else that is bad stops or justifies the original bad element. The two - then form "--" [++], and are canceled out and the + remains [++]. This could also be hoped for in a ++- way, where something good happens to something good, and it is saved from the negative thing. The two + then form "++" [++] and the - is left to itself as - [--], where something terrible will probably befall it, as is just. A - [--] particle is magnetically inclined to attract other -.

Friday, December 08, 2006


I recently have written topics in the field of neuroempathy on ADD and quantums, consciousness, perception, and reality. Neuroempathy is the study of the processes of the mind/consciousness/brain during an experience, and how this experience can be improved.

We can experience 0-inefficiency social interaction. It is 100% polite and deals with all fears and misthoughts in a perfect manner. No negative magnetics are directed at any other person, and the origin of unpleasant thought magnetics is recognized and generally ignored from the active consciousness. This allows the human mind to proceed unpolluted and produce unimaginably pure social networking.

I am associating neuroempathy with spirituality and faith on this page because it links so closely with a direct relationship with God, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and is useful in achieving a perfectly spiritual and nearly sin free life that spiritual beings always seek.

On the other side of the mind/consciousness/brain there lays the pure science of it, which will build into magnetics, physics, atomics, chemistry, quantum events, unified field theory, "Qifunk", which pleases and is judged by God, and returns as experience.

[Original Post at]


this is caused by 'pinging'. You check to see if you're turned on because of the terror and revulsion of the idea of the situation. the uncertainty of the situation and the number of 'pings' causes response.

send one packet through a net terminal to determine response time, and the terminal is *active*. but it's not because some dude took his shirt off.

Also see posts on ADD in