Friday, December 08, 2006


I recently have written topics in the field of neuroempathy on ADD and quantums, consciousness, perception, and reality. Neuroempathy is the study of the processes of the mind/consciousness/brain during an experience, and how this experience can be improved.

We can experience 0-inefficiency social interaction. It is 100% polite and deals with all fears and misthoughts in a perfect manner. No negative magnetics are directed at any other person, and the origin of unpleasant thought magnetics is recognized and generally ignored from the active consciousness. This allows the human mind to proceed unpolluted and produce unimaginably pure social networking.

I am associating neuroempathy with spirituality and faith on this page because it links so closely with a direct relationship with God, the teachings of Jesus Christ, and is useful in achieving a perfectly spiritual and nearly sin free life that spiritual beings always seek.

On the other side of the mind/consciousness/brain there lays the pure science of it, which will build into magnetics, physics, atomics, chemistry, quantum events, unified field theory, "Qifunk", which pleases and is judged by God, and returns as experience.

[Original Post at]


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