Friday, August 03, 2007

I believe a neuron functions as either active or inactive by which part of the neuron it carries the pulse signal down. If it carries it around the outside of the arm/dendrite, it is merely passing along information without adding to it. But if it forms a circuit with other cells with energy passing through areas inside the dendrite, stored hz frequency information from the neuron is being added to the chain to produce a unique property of the thought.

Nuerons also store information by taking in sense data or conclusions and adding them on to a neural network / field of thought. These experiences are stored based on the hz frequency and chain associations they produce, which are relative articulations between 0 and 1, which we begin with. This frequency data is likely stored looping in the cytoplasm, or solidified as DNA 'songbooks'.


Blogger William Bunker said...

haha, fried your brain.

learn and love.

1:03 PM  

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