Saturday, December 09, 2006


In neuroempathy, common fear is presented as "+-" [+-]. This is in most cases an error, and the *real* feeling is "+--" [++]. The common fear is something negative [the fear stimulus] associated with something good [you, assumed], and then closing the statement. Thinking this is magnetically and electrically similar to hoping that it happens.

"Real" fear is +--, where something bad happens to something good, but something else that is bad stops or justifies the original bad element. The two - then form "--" [++], and are canceled out and the + remains [++]. This could also be hoped for in a ++- way, where something good happens to something good, and it is saved from the negative thing. The two + then form "++" [++] and the - is left to itself as - [--], where something terrible will probably befall it, as is just. A - [--] particle is magnetically inclined to attract other -.


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